Friday, 5 August 2016

Cousins and ratburgers

[30th July]
After a touch of shopping, Ebi-kun's least favourite activity, we met up with my brother and his kids at the park. 

D has shot up, you'd never guess he is is just 2 years older than Ebi-kun! They had fun running around and being crazy kids.

And not just the kids, I think my brother still thinks he's 12!

This kept them busy for ages...

After we went to the Botanical gardens to see an outdoors production of Ratburger by David Walliams with Heartbreak Productions. The weather was kind, it was a bit chilly but at least it didn't rain. I had booked seats under the tent, just in case!

The play was great, only 5 cast members but they were fab. We all enjoyed it and I was surprised more seats weren't sold.

Hot chocolate to warm up with in the interval was a must! A fab day out again!

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