
Tuesday, 5 January 2016

The Mastermind Vs Coach Smackdown...

Okay! I have had a lot of questions along the same theme so I'm going to do a webinar tomorrow to explain it all. This is all to do with the In With A Boom Mastermind that I am running this spring (we kick off on the 7th - just in case you missed it!)

The main question is about the difference between a mastermind and a coach and how it all works. Whether your situation right now needs one or the other (or sometimes both!)

I'll share what I have learned about the coaches and masterminds I have been and why they were great or not so great so that you can can decide whether this is really something you need.

There are also accountability partners and mentors to throw into the mix too!

Time: 9am JST
Date: 6th Jan 2016
Place: Google Hangout HERE

I hope to see you there! 

Jo xxx

And if you want to know more about In With A Boom, click over, there is about a day and a half to secure your spot, that's if all the seats are not taken! Don't dilly-dally!

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