
Sunday, 24 January 2016

Death Of The Juicer... and our favourite recipes for smoothies

We have had to say a sad goodbye to our juicer. It has served us well being used almost every day for 18 months but as time went on it was becoming more and more inefficient and costing us more to produce 3 glasses of juice.

I asked around and the Nutribullet came well recommended. It has taken a bit of time to get use to using it, give short blasts ad getting the water amounts right but I'm getting the hag of it now. It's also been a bit weird going back to smoothies after having juices for such a long time.

I do feel like we waste less with the smoothies, when you make juice you are left with all the fibre and there isn't a great deal you can do with it. I did try a few recipes but non of them went down well. At least with a smoothie you use all of it.

The one thing I ABSOLUTELY love with the Nutribullet is the clean up, seconds i tell you, it is so easy. No scrubbing 17 different parts, its just the piece with the blade on and the cup -SO easy.

Above we have:
1 orange
1 mango
1 carrot

other favorites are:

Green smoothie
Big handful of spinach
2 Kiwi

Pink smoothie
1/2 fresh beet
mixed frozen berries

They are pretty safe options but I also throw in whatever happens to be in the fridge/fruit bowl. Broccoli stalk is good, avocado makes it creamy, go easy on the fresh ginger and give celery a miss!

If you have any favourite recipes, please share!

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