
Thursday, 3 December 2015

Looking to join a mastermind?

Putting out the feelers...

As we close this year and start thinking about 2016, I am thinking of running a small paid motivation mastermind group for those who really want to get stuff going for the start of 2016. This is the plan so far - although not set in stone...

  • max 10 people 
  • for those wanting to blast into 2016 with a bang, whether it be work related or a personal project - you must have an end goal in mind.
  • run for 3 months starting Jan 7th
  • Paid membership, I have run and joined masterminds for free in the past but know that when you have money invested people do the work and get results.
  • private FB group for members to ask questions and get support
  • Live calls every 2 weeks
  • Get focused, get started audio & PDF pack, so you can dive in on day one

I only want people who are serious about getting shit done, that are willing to support the other members of the group and are going to put the work in!
Those who have worked with me before know that I will kick your arse into gear and help you and support you when you need it!
If this sounds like what you need for 2016 - let me know you are interested in the comments, if you have any questions, fire away!

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