
Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Cake, cake and more cake and the most beautiful book...

Ebi-kun was sick and had another day off school, and I take the day off for my birthday - work wise that is, I have such a great boss (thanks me!) so we basically ate cake, watched movies and read books...

Cake #1 which was absolutely delicious - you should always start your birthday with cake for breakfast!

Cake Set #2 - The new Star Wars film open on my birthday, of course we couldn't go and see it but we did celebrate with fancy Star Wars cakes - Japan does cute cakes s well, and these were no exception...

It felt so mean eating the cute Ewok..

Ebi-kun is a big Yoda fan so he went for the the matcha Yoda cake...

I did get some lovely gifts including the book Before They Pass Away by Jimmy Nelson - I have been drooling over this book since it was released, It is absolutely beautiful, the photography is stunning, if you want to see his work check out the tribes section on his site Before They. He has also done TED talks and hundreds of interviews, there are plenty of links on his site if you want to learn more about his photography.

In the book there is a page dedicated to each tribe telling your were and how they live, their main source of food etc. Ebi-kun and I sat for most of the afternoon going through the book, it is a coffee table sized book though, so not suitable to stick in your bag!

The book is available on his site and on Amazon UK and

images © Jimmy Nelson

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