
Monday, 7 December 2015

Are you getting ready? International Book Giving Day is coming up soon...

If you have been hanging out here for a while, you will know that I have been involved with International Book Giving Day from the start, as a big book lover I'm very much inspired to help get more books into the hands of kids.

Each year bloggers, authors and illustrators from around the world generously share their love of books and come up with great new ideas to help get more books out to those who need them. You can read more over on the official home at Book Giving Day.

I would love for you to get involved somehow, whether it be by donating books to a children's ward, raising money for one of the many charities that work to books to disadvantaged kids or even picking a few books from an Amazon wish list and sending them to someone you know will appreciate them. Each act of book giving is going to be touching a child somewhere.

And please help us get the word out, social media is a powerful tool and we know we can reach a lot more people with your help.

Please print out and/or share this poster, if you use it on social media, add the #bookgivingday

And isn't this years post great? It's by the super talented Ben Newman, check out more his work HERE

I'll be posting more soon with what jojoebi will be doing this year, so keep your eye out! Keep the date in your diary, it's an easy one to remember February 14th!

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