
Monday, 19 October 2015

Bloggy MakeOver....

I finally did it!

I have been putting this off for what feels like forever! It was hard to let go of the original branding but since I introduced The Inspired Mama Revolution, I felt it was important to get everything consistent across the board as it were.

Ebi-kun and I have also got hooked on periscope and Youtube, we have been playing around over there, setting up channels and playlists and generally having a nice clean out!

He loves doing the book reviews, so expect them to be a regular feature, along with Ebi-kun eats - periscope only has the recording up for 24 hours but we will have them up on Youtube and post them on here too.

If you want to catch us live you can follow me on periscope at:

If you are on there, let me know so I can catch your scops too :)

Hope you like the new layout and colours, if you come across anything that is broken, do let me know!


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