
Friday, 11 September 2015

Ready For The Self Care Challenge?

yep, it is that time of year again.

Now the kids are back in school it is time to start looking after YOU, putting YOU first and stop pushing yourself to the bottom of the pile. 

We will be doing a week of mini challenges, they will be small but significant and designed to slip into your already busy day!

In seven short days you will…

Start putting your needs first so you don’t feel like you are the bottom of the to-do list all the time. Making you feel great, more positive and ready to take on the world!

You’ll rediscover the old you (the one you lost when the kids came along) and get you’ll get her out to play, she is so much fun! No more being ‘just a mom’. Start enjoying life again to the full, like you did back in day.

You will find time to pamper yourself, to slip in some well deserved “me time” instead of running around like a headless chicken! A headless chicken who looks like it’s been dragged through a hedge backwards!

You can enjoy your down time, guilt free! Rather than feeling guilty when you do get time to yourself and then end up wasting that time by picking up toys and doing the laundry.

You will be the happy balanced mama you want to be, setting a great example to your kids rather than frumpy, grumpy mama that you feel like right now.


What do I need?
Just yourself, no special equipment required!

How much time a day?
That's the secret, you will be slipping these bite sized self care treats into your normal routine. You might need to carve out the odd 10 minutes here or there, or just spend less time on facebook!

What will it cost?
The course is free, you might want to buy the odd thing during the week but if money is tight, you can join in with what you have got.

So are you ready? Ready to give frumpy mama the boot and get back on track? 

Then pop your name
and email addy below and you will be whizzed off to get the challenge details!

No, I won't sell your deets and yes you will get my weekly playbook, which is awesome!

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