
Thursday, 9 July 2015

Interview With Denise Duffield Thomas AKA Lucky Bitch

I'm really excited about today's post. This week I was up at the crack of dawn on Monday, to interview the lovely Denise from Lucky Bitch.

I met Denise years ago through B-school and joined her Lucky Bitch Bootcamp not long after. In a nutshell, she helps you figure out what your money blocks are and how to get smash them which allows you to make more money! It's a whole mindset change and has made a HUGE difference to my business!

One of the things that really interests me is the way that we talk and what kind of an effect that has on our kids, so a good chunk of the interview it talking about that. How we can change our language which not only changes our own mindset but sets our kids up for success too.

If you prefer to just listen, you can download the podcast HERE

Show Notes:

Find Denise on Twitter
Find me on Twitter
Podcast on pocket money and teaching kids about money
Book: The Opposite Of Spoiled
Book: Smart Kids, Smart Money
Lucky Bitch Bootcamp

The sad news is that Lucky Bitch Bootcamp will be closing down July 23rd for a major upgrade and facelift. The good news is that if you want to join, if you join before July 23rd then you only have to pay the current price, the course will basically double in price when it is re-opened in October! The doubly good news is that if you jump in now, you get upgraded for free!

I am obviously a big fan and I am an affiliate BUT I don't think the course is for everyone. I highly recommend watching THIS FREE WEBINAR to get to know more about Denise, if you have any questions just drop me a line. I'm happy to answer anything you fire at me, and I want you to be sure it's the right thing for you!

If you do decide to jump in I would be more than happy if you used my affiliate link, it won't make any difference to you other than making me smile a bit wider!

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