
Wednesday, 17 June 2015

In a galaxy far, far away....

Well in a city about and hour and a half away....

There was a Star Wars exhibition and a certain little boy wanted to check it out. So did his dad but it didn't look like he was going to be able to make it before the exhibit closed so we went on an adventure by ourselves.

When we got to Roppongi station there was a guy selling tickets, brilliant I thought, no queuing to get in when we get there! 

How wrong I was!

We got to the right place then had to queue for about an hour just to get to the ticket station, but you already have tickets Jo!
I know, but we are in Japan and life is not that simple. You can't actually use the pre-purchased ticket, no, no, no that would be far too simple. You have to exchange your ticket for another ticket (pokes oneself in the eye with a light sabre!)

Then, because one can not queue enough, we had to queue for the lift, why not take the stairs Jo? Because it's on the 52nd floor! Eventually we made it in...

I also stupidly thought it wouldn't be too busy because it had been open for a few weeks at this point, yet again I was proved wrong and a lot of shuffling from one thing to another went on.

All those peeps in the background are waiting to get their photo with Darth Vader, we weren't daft and just used a different 'unofficial' angle!

"There is no escape from the queuing. Don't make me destroy you."

There was an interesting collection of concept ideas and art and some amazing models of the various transportation used (I wasn't able to sneak photos of those!)

We found the best way to see everything was to shuffle around the perimetre of each gallery then shuffle around the exhibits in the centre. Ebi-kun came out with a corker. There were exhibits showing the costumes and Anakin's outfit was on one of those dolls that they use in shop windows.

"Look, it's Makakin Skywalker"

Oh how I laughed, good to see he has inherited my amazing sense of humour hahaaha

We finally shuffled our way to what I thought was the exit but we got directed to stand in yet another queue and this was to get into the shop...half an hour later...

Ebi-kun had his heart on buying Daddy something for Fathers Day, obviously I can't share what yet and so then we had to queue to pay! I had seriously had enough of this queuing lark by the time we had finished.

All in all, it was interesting and we both enjoyed it, the queuing side, not so  much! Anyone who loves Star Wars will enjoy it I think.

I was a bit disappointed because the original write up I had seen about the exhibit appeared to have a lot more stuff going on, I'm not sure whether we missed it somehow (we didn't pay the extra ¥500 each to go to the Sky Deck to battle with Darth) or whether that was included with the opening somehow. Of course I don't remember where I read the initial article to check!

If you want to go, there is more info HERE

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