
Thursday 19 March 2015

Help In The Kitchen...

It's been a busy week! We have had a great response to The Montessori Crash Course program, the replay is up if you missed it and we have a few spots left if you want to get in on the first round - it kicks off Monday! The replay for the workshop is HERE.

I have to say Ebi-kun and Daddy-Ebi have been stars this week, including having to get up and get ready for school/work on Tuesday in silence! My desktop is downstairs in the open plan living/dining/kitchen area and to be sure of a good connection the computer needed to be hard wired so I couldn't sneak off upstairs with the laptop!

I needed to be up at 5am for the first call which meant of course, not sleeping properly and waking up every hour until the alarm went off - needless to say I was like a walking zombie by 3pm. I seriously DON'T miss all those nights of broken sleep - I really have no idea how I managed it, or how any mom manages it!

Ebi-kun has been helping me out, he doesn't need much persuading to get busy in the kitchen, he rustled up a lovely salad dressing the other night, I'm not sure the quantities but it was balsamic vinegar, honey, freshly squeezed orange juice and French mustard - delicious! He also makes a mean teriyaki sauce and he decided he wanted to try his hands at scones! I love that he has started to add his creativity into his cooking, he's no longer afraid of veering off from the recipe or adding his own twists.

We ate the scones then I realised I didn't take a picture! They were good, needed to be a bit thicker.

I'll remember to post the next ones - he has been talking about yuzu and what he can do with it, this might be interesting...

PS -  The replay for the workshop is HERE, we have a handful of spots left and it the program starts Monday!

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