
Monday 9 February 2015

International Book Giving Day Giveaway 2015 - CLOSED

It's that time of year again, yep, International Book Giving Day!

There are lots of exciting things going on around the world, so make sure you are following on social media so that you don't miss out on any of the goodies! is the central hub for all this excitement! Or you can use #giveabook on social media.

International Book Giving Day

Just in case you have absolutely NO idea what I'm talking about, International Book Giving Day was set up with the aim of getting more books into the hands of children. Those of us involved believe that chocolate and flowers are all very fine and dandy but books, well books are just magically and last much longer than a box of chocolates. So instead of giving the kids chocolates for valentines day (which will make them fat and their teeth fall out - maybe) why not give a book instead?

Want to do more? Here are some ideas...

+ Sort through your book shelves and donate unwanted books, you could give them to a children's hospital, a shelter, charity shop...
+ Get sneaky and leave a book in a public place like a waiting room, somewhere that kids get stuck and would love something to look through
+ Give a book to a friend or relative
+ Share the IBGD love online and help us get the word out!
+ Run a giveaway - just like this one, on your blog

Which brings me to todays giveaway!

For your chance to win one of the books, just fill in the form below.
There will be 2 winners, one of each to win Kids Around The World Cook and Kids Around The World Celebrate.


By entering your name in the draw you are also agreeing to be added to the My Organized Chaos Weekly newsletter - if it's not your cup of tea you can unsubscribe at any time.
The competition is open worldwide
The draw will close Sunday, February 16th, 9am JST
The winners will be notified by email, if the winner does not respond in 5 days a new winner will be selected.
Winners will be chosen at random.

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