
Tuesday 17 February 2015

Another Day On The Slopes

Last Wednesday was a national holiday, so we headed for the mountains. The weather was perfect and the skiing was great!

We headed out to the snowboard park again, the snow wasn't powdery so a bit more painful when you fall! Didn't stop the boy...

I don't know if this is one of those Only In Japan things but I have seen a lot of kids strapped onto their mom or dad and whizzing down the slope, that is not a backpack, it's a small child! I've also seen snowboarders doing the same. Considering I broke my leg skiing, I know how dangerous a sport it, this just seems insane!

There is nothing more scary is than watching your child go whizzing off down a steep slope! The upside is that I forget to worry about killing myself lol!

And then he wanted to try the big boys jumps! Is there no stopping him?

Of course daddy wanted to get into the action too...

I love this place, it's so pretty - especially when the weather is nice! I'm hoping we can squeeze in another trip this season.

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