
Tuesday 6 January 2015

Christmas Day 2014

It was a quiet day for us, we had the usual breakfast of fancy cake! Yes, I know, healthy right? Hubby designs industrial cake mixing machines so each Christmas eve the sales reps go out and get loads of fancy cakes from the stores they supply machines too. We never know what we will be having Christmas morning until the night before.

This year was the traditional strawberry cream cake with a chocolate log house, a sugar Santa, 5 strawberries and 3 candles - yes, candles, on a Christmas cake!

To offset the cake we also has fresh fruit salad and washed it down with champers - non alcoholic kids champers for Ebi-kun.

After breakfast we skyped with mom and opened some presents. I love how we can skype with family and still have the excitement of Christmas morning (or Christmas eve night for them). I managed to roast the turkey and very without any major incidents, it's been a couple of years since I last did a turkey so I'm always a bit worried I'll balls things up and give us all food poisoning. We survived and dinner was lovely.

Obligatory turkey leg shot...

Then in the afternoon we just chilled, watched Arthur Christmas which was a fun film and played games. Ebi-kun had The Cube game, which is a lot harder than it looks, or that could have been something to do with the champers!

Lovely day, nothing on the excitement of last year but we can't be off adventuring every holiday...

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