
Thursday, 4 December 2014

The Mum Meme

I totally stole this from The Ramblings Of A Formally Rock N Roll mum, it made me laugh because her first answer is exactly the same as mine...

Who was your first crush?
Adam Ant! I too had a poster of him in his Prince Charming get up, on the back of my door. Ahhh Adam!

What were the last three things you bought?
Not including boring stuff like food and postage stamps and Christmas presents that I obviously can't disclose on here...

  1. Some Christmas decorations for the tree outside.
  2. Notebook and pens (one can never have enough)
  3. Ebi-kuns annual tree decoration.
Which is this from GlakLove on Etsy

What are you secretly hoping to find under the Christmas tree this year?

I'm so rubbish when it comes to gifts for me, I see things all year round and think, Oh I'd like that for Christmas then it gets to December and I've totally forgotten what it was I wanted. Having my birthday a week before Christmas doesn't help! 

A new bottle of my favourite Anna Sui perfume would be a good start and notebooks and pens - because one can never have enough! Now I'm repeating myself!

Where would you go on holiday if you could go anywhere in the world?
We are planning to go to Tuscany next summer, so that would be fab but there are so many places I haven't been to yet that I want to go to. Myanmar, a safari in Africa, The silk route in Mongolia and Island hopping in the South Pacific would be where I'd start.

What are you reading at the moment?
I always have several books on the go. The Hundred Languages Of Children - which is quite dry and so heavy going! Might take me a hundred years to finish it. The Whole-Brain Child which is really interesting. E cubed - which I dip in and out of and several biz books on the go. And for fun! I just finished Six Years by Harlan Coben, I love his books.

What was the last concert you went to?
I don't get to gigs very often, the last one was when I was back in the UK. Jane's Addiction in Manchester and it was frickin amazing!

What were you like at school?

A bit of a swot and a bit more of a rebel. I liked learning and was in the top band for everything but many of the subjects didn't excite me so I did enough work but certainly didn't push myself. I also hate rules so would see how far I could push them without actually breaking them. It was more fun to push the limits that to go all out and just break them (because I was smart enough to know I didn't want the punishments that came with it).

I have always wanted to do things MY way so following other peoples rules, I'm like, yeah right, I don't think so!
I'm not a fan of uniforms either and wasn't into the same kind of music as most of my peers - Duran, Duran, Wham, no thank you! I knew that I wanted to travel the world and leave the village as soon as I could, square peg, round hole. Back then I didn't realise that I'd always be a square peg, now I am at peace with the idea, who wants to be in a round hole anyway?

I'm not tagging anyone, just leaving it open. If you decide to continue with the meme then please leave a comment with the link in the comments section!

The links for the books are affiliate links, this is to keep me in my book reading addiction, please go and spend a lot of money on Amazon as I am running low on books at the moment. (kidding!)

1 comment:

  1. You did it, and you are SO my kind of woman! Adam Ant - check, Janes Addiction - check, rebel at school - check! And now I want that giant squid bauble!


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