
Thursday 18 December 2014

A Birthday Gift To You...

Yep, my birthday falls a week before Christmas, which is pretty crappy but what can you do? I have decided that my gift to me (coz, that's totally acceptable right?) is to take the day off, do absolutely no cooking or cleaning and just do my own thing. Hell yeah!

I went to see Gone Girl, on my own, which will be a bit weird because I never go to the cinema on my own, it was great the ending was totally unexpected! Then I treated myself to a nice lunch, picked up something for dinner and then headed back home to hang out with my boy oh yes and have a call with my mastermind gals!


And so that brings me to my gift to you...I'm super excited to announce the new book, which is the first of a series 99 Fun Facts, it is on pre-order for now and will be released properly in the new year.

You DON'T need a kindle to read the books, you can read them on any computer, tablet or device, click through and just under the price it has the link to download the app for free.

You can also grab a copy of my other books for free for 24 hours only as my birthday gift to you, go and get it NOW! And please do share with anyone who has kids! 

If you already have one or both of the books, it would be a fab birthday gift to me if you could leave me a review - there are instructions how at the bottom of the post, well that's enough from me, go and grab your free books...

99 Fun Facts SNOW USA
99 Fun Facts SNOW UK
99 Fun Facts SNOW Japan
99 Fun Facts SNOW India 
99 Fun Facts SNOW Italy
99 Fun Facts SNOW France
99 Fun Facts SNOW Spain 
99 Fun Facts SNOW Brazil
99 Fun Facts SNOW Canada
99 Fun Facts SNOW Australia
99 Fun Facts SNOW Germany

These are links for the Gallery And Museum Survival Guide For Parents...

Gallery & Museum Survival Guide USA
Gallery & Museum Survival Guide UK
Gallery & Museum Survival Guide India
Gallery & Museum Survival Guide Germany
Gallery & Museum Survival Guide France
Gallery & Museum Survival Guide Spain
Gallery & Museum Survival Guide Italy
Gallery & Museum Survival Guide Japan
Gallery & Museum Survival Guide Brazil
Gallery & Museum Survival Guide Canada
Gallery &Museum Survival Guide Mexico
Gallery &Museum Survival Guide Australia

And these are for the Montessori Inspired Book...

Montessori Inspired USA
Montessori Inspired UK 
Montessori Inspired Japan
Montessori Inspired Germany
Montessori Inspired Italy
Montessori Inspired Canada
Montessori Inspired Brazil
Montessori Inspired Spain
Montessori Inspired India
Montessori Inspired Australia
Montessori Inspired France

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