
Saturday 23 August 2014

Saturday Is Girls Day!

Rob took the boys off to football practice so me and Di had some down time and headed into town to do a spot of shopping - well it was more mooching! Brighton has a good selection of indie shops, lots of great places to poke around in and some lovely little cafes...

Just in case you weren't sure where I was...

We headed back at lunch time and fed everyone then Rob and Ry went off to the Arsenal and we headed into town again with Ebi-kun, he wanted to check out the Lego shop and I wanted a 99 on the beach. It was toooo cold for the beach though, so we pottered around and then went home for pizza. We got out some old record and had a dance before Ebi-kun went to bed. We waited until Rob and Ry got back then we hit the town for a girls night out. We went to a couple of pubs and then to a club that plays good 80's music, there was lots of dancing and laughing and we rolled in about 3am!
It is has been a long time since I have done that!

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