
Tuesday 5 August 2014

Local adventuring...

Where my mom lives now is about 8 miles from where I grew up, so although I kinda know the area, I don't know the local area that well. The other day we had been stuck in the house so when the sun came out Ebi-kun and I decided to go exploring. 

We wandered up the road and found a path that led to a footpath and suddenly we were in the fields, beautiful view!

We also found a load of blackberry bushes and a few ripe ones, although most weren't ready yet. I managed to carry a big handful hope - unprepared for berry picking and didn't have a bag with me! Hopefully the rest will have ripened up before we leave!

Haven't come across any gooseberries yet, not sure when the season is, but I LOVE gooseberries! Having a quieter week this week. We do have a playdate set up with my cousin and her kids later in the week and Friday we are popping down the Wolverhampton for my Nans 94th birthday - It's one non stop party here!

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