
Wednesday 20 August 2014

Football and working lunches...

Blimey, I have fallen behind a bit with the blogging! Thursday we put the boys into football school for 4 hours which was great for them and us! They were absolutely shattered by the time they had finished - it was great!

Me and Di took our mac books and heading off to a cute little cafe. Good to chat and plan and write over a lovely cuppa.

Then we had a bit of shopping to do and then it was time for a pub lunch - hard work this life as an entrepreneur! Pulled pork sandwich was delish, washed down with a pint of cider. Must say, that although it is lovely to hang out like this I couldn't do it everyday, it would be fab to be able to meet up and do it once a week.

This trip has been much easier this year, partly because I got a lot of my work organized before I left so it could basically just tick over whilst I am here and partly because I I'm not stressed out about money or the lack of this time. 

After the lovely lunch we meandered back down to pick the boys up. They had had a whale of a time and were suitably shattered and very mucky. A relatively subdued day compared to some of the others we have had!

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