
Monday, 14 July 2014

I don't get e-courses and coaching!

As you know, I love learning and trying out new things so when ecourses came about I just figured that it was a great way to continue my love of learning. I was kind of surprised though the other day when a friend told me that she didn't fancy it, and what it came down to was that she didn't really understand it!

So here is my take on them from both taking and building ecourses…

What do they entail?

Well, they vary from course to course but generally there is usually a membership are that you can log into. Inside there are modules of content which is usually in the form of video, audio of PDFs. The better courses that I have done, have some kind of homework and a requirement such as posting in the forum.

Some courses also have live calls so you can ask questions with the person running the course, which is a great way of getting some 1:1 time if the course leader doesn't usually do coaching or has a very expensive coaching package.

To give you a better idea:

B-school - focus on business

6 modules
Each module has the content delivered in audio, video and PDF + fun sheets (PDF fillable sheets)
Weekly live call (or maybe it was every 2 weeks?)
Facebook support group
Plus bonus materials
Lifetime access

My Organized Chaos - focus on Mamas getting organized

9 modules
Content delivered as audio or video (video content is kept shorts for busy mamas) + PDFs
3 Live calls
Facebook support group
Plus bonus materials
Lifetime access

Clear The Clutter - focus on decluttering your home

15 emails delivered per month
PDF check sheets
Facebook support group
Yearly subscription

Blog To Kindle - Focus on turning a blog into a kindle book

20 steps with screen flow videos
PDF worksheets
Bonus resources
Facebook support group
Lifetime access

Lucky Bitch - Focus on abundance and money

6 modules PDF fun sheets
Bonus materials
Facebook support group
Lifetime access

So as you can see they all have a similar feel to them even though the content is completely different.

The other thing I wanted to touch on was coaching - now I admit, I used to dump coaches in with shrinks and think it was very much an American 'thing' But really a coach is just the same as a teacher or tutor, someone who guide you in the right direction, helps you when you are stuck and cheers you on when you accomplish and achievement. 

There are coaches for all kinds of stuff and they come in all shapes and sizes. Some focus on the woo-woo stuff, others are more grounded and practical. I tend to be drawn to the ones that have a good mixture of both. All the coaches I have worked with and all the ones I have as friends, work with coaches themselves. They are working to improve themselves or their business and they are willing to invest in themselves. 

It took me a while to 'get it' and I think finding the right coach for you is crucial. I also feel that if you are struggling with something, no matter what it is, finding the right person to help you can make a HUGE difference. 

I have learned and benefited from all the courses I have done, some more than others but I have yet to take a program that I have regretted. Funnily, I nearly signed up with one lass, but she was very pushy and salesy and although I really needed help with the content she was providing, my gut wasn't happy with her as a person. So I walked away. I learnt after that she had been the same with other people, so I didn't feel so bad! A good lesson on following your instinct!

So…have you every taken an online course or worked with a coach? How was it for you?

And don't forget to enter the giveaway - loads of amazing coaching and courses in the prize winning bundles! Click HERE to enter.

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