
Saturday, 10 May 2014

Destination Delicious Anyone?

Now, you know I only promote products or people that I truly believe in, right? (You would get uninitiated with some right ole crap if I took up every offer that comes through my mailbox!) Anyway, I wanted to tell you about Destination Delicious because it is run by my mastermind and business mentor Kylie.

I have known Kylie for a while through a couple of groups I am in and she rocks. She is down-to-earth and takes no BS and generous to a fault. A few of the other master-minders have also done Destination Delicious and they rave about it and because of that they also signed up to be in the mastermind, so she must be good!

Anyway…Kylie is holding a free webinar, her zone of genius is to help women break through the mental BS that keeps them stuck, stressed and struggling with self sabotage clearing the way to create a delicious life. Sign up HERE if you are interested. I'll be joining, see you there!

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