
Friday, 7 February 2014

The last Day In Siem Reap…

Ahhh I feel like I need to go on holiday again now so I can start writing up other adventure posts! This is a mash up of the last evening and final morning of our trip, just random photos, because no holiday is complete without random pics!

Batmobile tuk-tuk anyone? There was also a disco tuk-tuk which was amazing, played really loud crap Cambodia pop music and had disco lights and a glitter ball, sadly I was so blown away by it, I forgot to take a photo when it went past!

This is the place Ebi-kun wanted to eat, mainly because he wanted to try crocodile, ostrich and kangaroo - you know, those famous Cambodian kangaroos?!

Back in '99 this was a dirt cover street with just a handful of places to eat, now it covers 4 blocks and is the place to go at night.

And yet another smoothie!

This is my favourite Cambodian dish, I have had it every time we have been, sometimes more than once! Stir-fried chicken and pineapple, served in the pineapple, soooo gooood.

Last minute shopping at the night market…

The next day we wandered around town, these bamboo bikes looked pretty cool, they were outside a beautiful quilt shop. We ummmed and ahhhed on whether to buy one but decided against it because we were worried about getting it back - we didn't have space in out bag for a quilt.

I love visiting markets and supermarkets in foreign lands, they are so interesting…

Who knew that there were so many different types of rice?

And fruit, oh how I miss the fruit…

Final meal was at The Red Piano which is famous because of the Tomb raider film, Yasutoki finished the holiday off with Lok-Lak, which is stewed beef and rather delicious.

Washed down with a large jug of beer of course!

Our trip home was long! We flew from Siem Reap to Luang Prabang and then to Hanoi where we had a 4 hour wait before getting the flight back to Narita. In the morning, Ebi-kun was complaining of not feeling well, by the time we got to Hanoi he had a fever again and we only had one lot of medicine left. We gave hime what we got and hoped for a safe flight back. He slept all the way and luckily he had a couple of days before he needed to go back to school, so he was all better again by the start of school.

It was an amazing trip and I really can't wait until we can head off again! Where next I wonder…


  1. I'm thankful you blogged about your vacation. I really enjoyed seeing the pictures and learning about a part of the world that is so foreign to me. I sent several of your posts to my husband.

    1. I was trying to comment on your blog the other day but it kept coming up with an error - apologies if you got 300 comments the same :)


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