
Friday, 4 October 2013

A quick house building tutorial...

My best mate has moved house this summer and I knew she would have her little boy under foot since they couldn't get him into nursery immediately and like me, she works from home. I decided to send them a pack of goodies to help occupy him as she dealt with setting up the new house and trying to get as much work in as possible.
This was one for the things we included, it is made out of stiff card, a simple house shape with one piece with a slot at the top and the other with a slot at the bottom so they just slot together. I drew on a few things to get him going but included crayons and stickers so he could finish decorating the house himself. 

I even found him some little people to play in the house, left over from the shop. If you have ever looked on Etsy and been shocked at the price of these hand painted people, let me tell you, whatever they are charging, they are probably making 7p an hour from it. I made a whole pile of these - one of my many 'genius' ideas! Loved doing it but when it came to pricing, it was ridiculous considering the amount of time it takes to do them.

Back to the point of the post - the house was super easy to make and of course packs flat, it would be easy to add in a travel bag or have one made up for your mommy bag for when you are having lunch out with friends etc.

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