
Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Cook a nice meal...

I have been doing Sarah Jenk's LMWL challenge, each day she sets you something to do and day #12 was make a nice meal. Well, I have to say, I always make a nice meal lol. It had to be something that Ebi-kun could manage with his sore throat so I decided to make the first cream stew of the season and try my hand at foccacia.

I used a Jamie Oliver recipe from one of his magazines, it was supposed to have grapes and honey on it but I swapped it for cheese instead.

And...success, the bread was lovely, my pan was a little bit bigger than the one recommended in the recipe, so it wasn't quite as deep as it should have been but it tasted good and that's what matters.

I put the stew on in the afternoon and we settled down to watch Laputa, I haven't seen it for years so it was fun to watch it again. 
We went the whole hog and got out the best plates, wine, fresh flowers and candles, a very fancy meal for a Saturday night - usually my night off from cooking!


  1. That looks delicious! I love your candle holder!

    1. Thank you! It was a 21st birthday present, it has been from the UK to Japan twice, I am amazed it didn't break!


Thank you!
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