Ebi-kun gets a shed load of homework to do over the holidays, I know, insane right? He has to keep a diary, do 2 drawings of the tomato plant his has grown, before and after pictures, he gets a book full of Japanese and kanji and another of maths and he has to make or do some kind of project.
Luckily, we are a crafty kind of family plus the Japanese book companies have caught on and you can buy some great books for making crafts. We spotted some this year that come with a box of pieces to make all the crafts in the book.

Ebi-kun got it out the other day, I had some work to do so I basically left him to it. It was so funny, he totally did what I would have done. He looked through the book and decided he wanted to make something with a propeller but he didn't want to make the exact project they had in the book, he had his own ideas of what he wanted to make. He is definitely a chip off the old block, that is just what I do with almost any sewing/crafting/recipe book!
He did struggle a bit at first but I told him to figure out and he did! Here is his testing car, he said he wanted to make sure it worked then he will make it fancy - good thinking. I'm not sure if this will be the final project or not. There are about 15 in the book and he also got a build your own contraption kit for his birthday, we will see what happens next...
Go Ebi-kun!