
Thursday, 31 January 2013

Jamie's 15 Minute Meals Challenge #2

This is round two of the J.O. vs Jo 15 minutes smack down, I am testing Jamie Oliver's recipes for his new 15 minute meals book. If you are playing along, leave a comment with your blog post link or just talk us through it in the comments section.

Recipe #2 Steak Medallions, Mushroom Sauce and spring Greens pg 82

Sourcing the ingredients:
I had to improvise quite a bit with this menu, this is what I swapped...
Porcini mushrooms (expensive) for dried shiitake
Baby new potatoes (out of season) for regular old potatoes
Tender stem broccoli (whatever that is) for regular broccoli
Savoy Cabbage (out of season) for sugar snap peas

Everything else was bought at the supermarket or Hanamasa.

Ready, steady, cook...

It all pretty much went to plan, I remembered to wash everything beforehand except for the potatoes. I washed and quartered them but left the skin on. This meal did seem to generate a lot of washing up, I'm not sure whether cutting down on cooking time but having more washing up time is my idea of fun! I loved how the green veg turned out, really tasty and the mushroom dip was very more-ish,  I made too much so used the leftovers on baked potatoes the next day.

J.O.'s time 15 minutes
Jo's time 19 minutes
Family opinion - Ebi-kun 7/10 (he had trouble chewing the steak)
                           Daddy 9/10
                           Me 8/10 (new potatoes would have been so much better)

Notes to self:
Double check the table top grill is heating up!
If using bigger potatoes keep an eye on the cooking time

I would love to make this a community post so if you are joining please comment below, if you have landed here from a facebook group, I would love it if you could add your comments here rather than facebook so that everyone can read your feedback. If you have blogged about one of the 15 minute or 30 minute recipes then feel free to leave the link to the actual post and remember to say which recipe you used in the comment.

I have also started a pinterest board for my photos for the challenge, it you are a fellow pinterest addict and would like to contribute to the board, let me know and leave your pinterest name in the comments.

That wraps up round two, pop back next week for round two...

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