
Wednesday, 30 January 2013

International book giving day is coming up...

Do you know about the International Book Giving Day?

It a volunteer initiative to try and get books into the hands of more children. It is easy to get involved you can...

1. Give a book to a friend or family member
2. Secretly leave a book in a waiting room for children to read
3. Donate books to a charity, hospital, shelter or an organisation that distributes used books.

It is a great way to get kids involved with giving books to others. We recently had a big sort out of all our books to make room for the new ones we got at Christmas. Most of the Japanese books went to Books for Japan, (the site is in Japanese). You can call the number provided and arrange for Kuruneko to come and pick up the box of books for free. They then get sent to Books For Japan where they sort them, some get sold and the money goes towards the running of the charity and some get distributed to places that need them. The books need to be in good condition and have an ISBN number.

We also gave some books to a favourite little friend of ours.

If you want to get involved, find a way to give a book and then write a blog post about it. On Feb 21st we will have a post where you can add your URL and share what you did to participate. If you want more information, pop over to Book Giving Day

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