
Wednesday, 22 August 2012


My mate Di got Ebi-kun a pack of Makedo for his birthday and they are BRILLIANT. Everyone knows a kids loves a cardboard box, well Makedo are easy to use connectors so you can fasten the boxes together without using 74 rolls of tape.

The set came with a punch/saw, hinges and the blue clips. You simple punch a hole in the cardboard then push the clip through and slid the second part of the clip onto the end. The way it is designed the clip holes tight until you squeeze the back piece to release it, this is a bit difficult for little ones to do.
make do parts

We happened to have a load of boxes that hadn't yet made it to the recycling so there has been a lot of building fun going on. He invited a couple of friends round to help build the star ship but I think they got fed up with him bossing them around. He had a specific idea in his head of what this was going to look like but they kept doing it 'wrong'. I left them to it and helped him finish it off later in the day.

Not only is the Makedo kit easy to build with, it is great for dismantling too, it only took me a few minutes to put the whole thing apart and store the card (so we can get it out and build something new another day).

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  1. I agree it's fabulous. My son was given a box for his 5th birthday last year and when my parents came to visit he insisted they help him make a car. His sister made a dolls house with the remaining bits! It is so strong, the car has been used regularly, taken a heavy beating and the pin/clips didn't brake at all and they've used it for 3 months! We just recycled the box this week...looking forward to our next construction day !!

  2. We did a house with makedo and boxes with my son.
    Easy and fun.

  3. My son and i did a house with makedo and boxes.
    Easy and Fun!He likes the saw best. did you see the ideas on facebook/homepage? My favorite is a fish made from eggcarton from katja/russia.

  4. We did a house with makedo and boxes with my son.
    Easy and fun.

  5. that is so fun! My kids would love those!

  6. We love our MakeDo too. :-) Of course I am the one that usually ends up playing with it!


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