Monday, 9 July 2012

Lotus love...

Hope you had a good weekend, we had one of those ones where we tried to get a squillion jobs done and none of them were very exciting. We did start off with a bit of excitement, Ebi-kun came and woke us up early Saturday morning - nothing new there! But he had remembered that we had talked about going to the lotus farm and you need to get there early to see the flowers open. 

So, with 15 minutes we were washed, dressed and bundles into the car. Stopped at the combini to grab some breakfast then down to the farm we went. It is about a 15 minute drive away.

Although the weather was overcast and threatening to rain there were loads of people there with big fancy cameras, I looked a bit daft with my little camera and even dafter with my iPhone. It is rather photo heavy post today because I couldn't decide which pictures to show you, let's call it early Monday indecisiveness!

They are extremely beautiful and delicate, we didn't make it to the farm last year so it was good to make the effort this year.

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