
Monday, 30 July 2012

Gold Medal Muffin Tin Dinner

I made Ebi-kun a booklet of Olympic things to do, one of the pages was to design his own Olympic Muffin Tin Dinner. He had to pick foods to go with the colour choice for each ring and he had to go and check that we had that food in (kept him busy as I was working).  So here is his gold medal Olympic muffin tin dinner....

It was a great springboard to start the conversation about the types of foods athletes eat and a discussion about healthy foods. The only thing we missed was the yellow pepper and that was because I said we had some but then realised I had used it all the night before. If you want to make your own Olympic plate I save the page as a PDF for you. You could also use the page for a colour matching activity for little ones or get the kids to draw the food instead of writing it. And as always, there is more muffin tin fun over at the muffin tin mom. If you think this fun and have friends who would enjoy it, then click the share buttons!

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Olympic MTD Jojoebi-Designs


  1. oooh, love this idea. I haven't really harped on about the Olympics much to the kids but we were all transfixed to the gymnastics this morning. Right, I'm going to sort this for dinner tonight.
    Thanks Jo!!

    1. you're welcome, you got to see gymnastics? all I have seen is Judo and swimming!

  2. What a great learning lunch idea!


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