
Friday, 27 April 2012

Settling into a new rhythm....

We have made it! Ebi-kun had his first full week and full days at school this week, we are just getting into the swing of things and then next week will throw us off again since it is Golden Week so Monday, Thursday and Friday are holidays.

The week has gone quite well, before we used to get up at 6.10am, OK that is a lie, Daddy and Ebi-kun got up then and I would get up at 6.30am so that they could spend a bit of one-on-one time together, that is my excuse and I am sticking to it! But now, Ebi-kun has to be out of the house by 7.20am so we all get up at 6am.

I am more of a morning person and I hate starting the day off with manic rushing around, it just sets me off on the wrong foot for the rest of the day. So I prefer to forgo that extra 10 minutes of sleep so that we can have a nice relaxed breakfast. It is the only time during the week that we all sit down together, talk about what has been happening during our days, share some quality time together.
This is how the day seems to pan out for us...

6.00am - get up, get dressed, put PJ's away
6.15am - eat breakfast (Ebi-kun is a slow eater so we need to have plenty of time for this bit!)
6.45am - wash & brush teeth
7.00am - clear the table & put dishes away
~ 7.20am - play/read with daddy
7.20am - leave for school/work

I then have the day to do what I need to do. I try to get important jobs done earlier in the day, along with pattern writing or cutting out, if I leave them until the evening I know I will just end up making a load of mistakes. After lunch I do the post office/supermarket run if needed and then finish 'work' 30-60 minutes before Ebi-kun is due home. I use that time to do some cleaning or whatever needs doing around the house.

3.20pm - Ebi-kun gets home. Unpacks bag, prepares what he needs for the next day. I wash his cutlery set and it goes straight back in his bag. He hasn't started with homework yet but this is the time he will do it.
3.30pm - have a drink & small snack if he is very hungry.
~ 5.00pm - play with friends or me, do a craft or watch some TV.
5.00pm - prepare dinner and prepare clothes for the next day
5.30pm - eat dinner (daddy eats when he gets home)
~ 6.50pm - he reads to me, free play and 3 or 4 times a week we chat to my mom via Skype.
6.50pm - tidy up, make sure desk is tidy.
7.00pm - bath & brush teeth
7.30pm story & bed

I take a bath once he is settled in bed, bath time is often when I get my next great idea or when I can work through a problem, probably because I am in a small room with no distractions. When I get out I make notes, jot down ideas or fix whatever it was that has been causing a problem. 

9.00pm ~ 11.00pm I put the TV on and put my feet up, sometimes I work in my sketch book, playing around with new ideas or designs or I get my hand sewing out, I quite like to sew and watch TV at the same time. Daddy-ebi usually arrives home around this time too so I zap his dinner whilst he takes a bath. By 11.00pm I am done for and it is off up the wooden hill (stairs) for me.

This past week I haven't organised any projects or crafts because I wasn't sure how tired he would be but I always have supplies to pull out if need be. We did start making another star wars craft, we are planning to finish it today and he wasn't quite as shattered as I imagined he would be. I imagined that by 5pm Wednesday he would be horrible but daddy had been away in China and came back Wednesday afternoon so Ebi-kun forgot all about how tired he was with the excitement of having time to spend with daddy.

As it turned out, his first full week has felt quite relaxing, I have made real headway with the current project I am working on and even had time to make some extras. This first will be sent out with the newsletter this weekend (sign up on the top right). The only downside is that I have spent so much time on the computer that my wrist is killing me today. I therefore declare that today is minimum computer work day and I that I must go and make myself a new bag!


  1. Oh my, you're an early riser! Glad to hear everyone's getting settled in the new routine. Your end of the day sounds a bit like mine, especially since I also love to sew/knit/crochet/sketch while watching something. Doing that right now actually...

  2. This looks like a wonderful schedule!


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