
Thursday, 12 April 2012

Oh No!

Ebi-kun had a successful second day at school, got home a bit tired so we watched a film and then I noticed that the spot he had on his neck had reproduced, so it was off with the shirt only to discover several of the little blighters on his front and back.
I suspected chicken pox so bundled him onto the bike and down to the doctors clinic as quick as I could. The doctor confirmed it is chicken pox and ordered a week off school, we have to go back to the doctor in a weeks time to get the all clear.
Ebi-kun was really upset that he would have to miss a week and well, so was I. He hasn't had chance to make any friends yet other than the girl he sits next to because they haven't had any play time so missing a week at the start of the school year is a real bummer.

And so my grand plans of getting back on the work wagon have been scuppered, we will be making use of the Montessori equipment over the next week and probably the Star Wars Craft Book!


  1. Oh no! I hope he doesn't get too itchy. I had it when I was a kid, and it wasn't too bad, but oh the agony... On the other hand, now he'll be done with it, and there's no risk of getting it again (especially as an adult which is much worse). Good luck this week.

    1. doesn't seem to itchy at the moment, thankfully and he doesn't feel ill, just his usual self albeit a spotty one

  2. Poor Ebi-kun! My son had to miss a week of swimming due to the chicken pox his first year, he was outraged! ;) I was outraged as it was his second time.

    Hope Ebi-kun has fun at home with you, just like spring break has been extended, how lucky for you!

  3. I hope Ebi-Kun gets over this quickly! I know I drove my mom crazy when I got them. I haven't heard of someone getting the chicken pox in a long time! Just curious, it may sound like a stupid question. Is there immunizations for these in Japan? I did know of someone who still got it after being immunized. Praying for speedy recovery!

    1. yes but it is not mandatory and I don't think it is very popular.

  4. The incubation period for chicken pox is apparently 2 weeks, so you couldn't have gotten it from our package. I've been dreading we sent it to you. Pritham in Tokyo

    1. I had forgotten you said your house had just had it, would it survive the postal system lol?
      Better he gets it now than when he is older, just really crappy timing!

    2. Amazingly, my littlest guy didn't get it, although we did pass it onto a friend and her sister, both of whom had the vaccination. Yes, better now than when he is older, although my son still has marks (not just the scars) on his body still and it has been over a month. Just looks sad.


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