
Thursday, 5 April 2012


Every year the playgroup has an Easter egg hunt, it is always great fun, we usually have a good turn out and it is one of the major events of the year. We have done it for 5 years now and had to change it a little each time due to the kids getting older and the parents getting a bit wiser!
Now what we do, is have each child 10 hard boiled decorated eggs, each egg has their name on it (or mark for the non readers). We introduced this because the older kids were collecting all the eggs and the little ones missing out, it also means we know whose egg it is so we can hide the older kids eggs in more difficult to find places *evil cackle*

So, this week we have been decorating our eggs. I actually bought an eye dying kit this year, the colours are really bright but the orange didn't take for some reason.

We tried using tape and stickers to make different patterns on them and some we left plain.

Once the eggs were dry we got to decorating them using sticky backed felt, googly eyes, MT tape and well, anything else that was lying around.

 The green lion and punky mouse!

A right jumble of unique eggs...

I also made one extra egg and decorated it as Wally/Waldo, of course we had every colour of pom-poms except for red, so orange will have to do. I will hide this one and the child that finds it will get an extra prize.

I have also organized a scavenger hunt for the older kids, we will have a pot-luck lunch under the cherry blossom trees, should be a fun day!

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