
Saturday, 21 April 2012


Yesterday I was on meet-the-kids-from-school-and-walk-them-home duty. I think there are 28 different walking groups and 5 are in the green group which Ebi-kun is in. As I said before the route is set and on the way home it is just first grade kids because the older grades finish at different times.

There are so many little kids it was a stream of yellow hats and bags. Their hats have a special badge so if there is an accident and they are wearing their hat they are insured. At least with there being so many of them the drivers all slow down, it still worries me some what that little 6 year old are walking home alone. After Golden Week there will be no parents with them.
Ebi-kun got home absolutely shattered, his first full day and first school meal, he is a terribly slow eater and didn't manage to finish it all, he will have to try and speed up.

Today I am off to Tokyo to meet up with Gaia and her fella, should be a fun day just wish the weather was a bit nicer. Do you have any exciting plans for the weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Wow I have been following your posts on getting Ebi-Kun ready for the school year, and I find it so amazing how different it is in your country then in the US. My daughter has been just as surprised how other countries schools work as well. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    Mama Of Many Blessings


Thank you!
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