
Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Sword in the stone, edible book & movie....

I blogged a few weeks ago about the edible book festival that Zoe was hosting and of course we had to get involved. It took quite a while to come up with a book but after spotting Ebi-kun totally absorbed in his King Arthur book the answer was obvious...

The Sword In The Stone! It turned out to be quite an epic day, we started off by making the cake, it is chocolate chip sponge cake inside covered with marshmallow fondant. Whilst the cake was baking/cooling we painted a backdrop and then taped it to the big window and also painted the handle of a knife gold. We had to stop for lunch and then I covered the cake, the fondant was a bit runny so it was rather tricky but we got there in the end. 

Whilst I was finishing off the cake, Ebi-kun went to his room to find all his knight related dress up clothes and props and then fun began....

Each part of the movie was done in one shot and I put a time limit on the editing, I can easily sit for hours editing out all the little imperfections but decided that all had to be finished and wrapped up by dinner time. Ebi-kun helped with the editing, it was good for him to see how it all gets put together, how to lay down the sound effects etc. 
Luckily Ebi-kun had the day off yochien so we threw ourselves in head first and spent the day on it. I doubt we will win the edible foods festival (click HERE to see the entries) but that doesn't matter, we had such good fun putting this all together, it has been quite a while since we dedicated the whole day to a project.

So, here you are, the first public viewing of 
The Sword In The Stone 
featuring Ebi-kun as Arthur and Spotty The Steed.


  1. Brilliant! I loved all the disappointed knights who were so fed up when they couldn't get the sword out!!!

  2. As I said jo, the video was a tour de force - just brilliant! And I couldn't believe my eyes when someone else also entered a sword in the stone cake - something must be in the atmosphere! Thank you for taking part in the festival - and with such gusto! I do hope you'll be back for more next year ;-)


Thank you!
I love hearing from you and if you haven't joined us in Moms That Rock, come on over!