
Monday, 19 March 2012

Sunny update...

So, Friday I was stood-up by the person who was going to take the dog, I was really annoyed on so many levels. I emailed the other three people who were interested to see if anyone could take him at such short notice, one mailed me back and we arranged to meet early evening on Saturday. They live in Tokyo so we drove down and met them half way. They probably thought I was paranoid or desperate because I called just before we set off to make sure they were going to meet us!

I am actually glad now that Sunny went to this new family, as soon as I met them I got good feeling about them, the mom had purple hair and the dad was from Leeds, how could they not give off good vibes? They were a lovely family with 3 gorgeous little girls and two other dogs already, now the girls can have a dog each! I am sure Sunny will be well pampered. It is such a relief that we found the little sweetie a good home to go to.

It was sad seeing Sunny go, Ebi-kun was a bit upset about it but having the dog for a week has been a good lesson about responsibility. We had dogs when I was growing up but we lived out in the country so exercising the dog was more a matter of opening the door and letting them run around the fields and there was non of this picking up poop malarky either! 

I haven't done much in the way of sewing/crafting this week but I managed to sneakily make a little dog for Ebi-kun, SunnyII. Not quite the same but at least SunnyII is much less maintenance and I can reclaim the floor back which is usually my cutting out space!

It is also kafunsho (hay fever) season here, last year was the first year I had it and I was kind of hoping it would be a one off but it is back again this year and I am pretty sure having the dog in the house was making it worse. In the evenings I am ready to scratch my eyes out, they are so itchy, swollen and sore and it also means I have not done any work in the evenings. Yesterday I went to the doc to get some meds so I am hoping the combination of that and a dog free home will help. 

1 comment:

  1. So glad that your first option didn't turn up - as frustrating as it must have been at the time. Sunny's new family sounds fabulous and she is sure to be well loved. I can see her with bows round her ears already!!

    Hayfever sucks. I don't get it but hub does. He sleeps with tissues shoved up his nose!! Must say though, this last couple of weeks, with his non-itch medicine he got from the dermatologists, has really seemed to help - bonus of having yucky skin growth.

    Hope your meds work though!!
    Love your Sunny for Ebi-kun.


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