
Monday, 19 March 2012

Starry MTD

My silicon muffin liners are starting to look a bit shabby so I picked up some new ones the other day, star shape, could have done with these when we were studying Van Gogh.

Top L-R
Sekihan (sticky rice), miso peanuts, grapes, potato
potato, avocado, sekihan, pumpkin
grapes, pumpkin, potato, girls day rice candy

I was late getting dinner on the table so the photo is a bit dark, apologies!

For more MTD's head over to the Muffin Tin Mom.


  1. Wow! This is a wonderful meal filled with tasty treats!

  2. I like the star shaped liners! Everything looks good!

  3. Your meal looks good and your new star liners are fun.


Thank you!
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