
We built a treasure boat for the Lilla a and the Big Kids Magazine collaboration.
I shared my treasure with you and made a treasure filled treasury.
We went on a trip to Barbados.
Made light board treasure ship pictures
Ate a MTD full of gold.
I added the Cloth Treasure Map to the jojoebi designs collection, now available in the shop.

We have been reading Pirateology, and watching Pirates of the Caribbean (I and II)
I have been stitching up pirate themed embroidery and made my first themed party pack (don't forget the giveaway).
and...... we have been singing this song FAR TOO MUCH!
Ha, I hope that is stuck in your head too!
So, what is this months theme? I will give you a clue it will involve sunflowers, tessellations and windmills....
Love having this song in my head! Thanks Jo for such a fantastic treasure round up:)