
Friday, 10 February 2012

Painting like Van Gogh

We started out by reading this book about Van Gogh. I have to say, I am very impressed with these books, they are just the right level and have just enough information without it getting boring. Anyway, we studied Van Goghs paintings and Ebi-kun noted that he used very thick paint and you could see the paint stokes clearly.

Whilst Ebi-kun did a quiz I had prepared on Van Gogh I mixed up the paints for his impasto painting, I used powdered tempera and added in white flour, about equal amount to the paint, plus water until it made a really thick paint. We talked about how landscape painting are often split into three parts, the foreground, middle area and the sky, so Ebi-kun started with a rough sketch then got to work with the gooey paint and a wooden coffee mixer (thank you Starbucks)

I really need to remember to buy some proper yellow paint we only have yellow ochre and well, it looks like baby poo - enough said!.

He piled the paint on really thick and we used a canvas for the base, I don't think paper or card even would have held up, I picked the canvas up from Daiso, they sell them in different shapes and sizes. I gave him some tips like starting from the top and working down and to make sure he covered all the canvas.

With the paint being so thick it did take a while to dry and it did crack a bit (looks like a really old painting now), he did a great job and was very pleased with himself.

 Close up of the sky, it doesn't have the shine that oil paints have, maybe a layer of varnish will do the trick?

And what was I doing whilst he was having all the fun? Joining in, here is my version...


  1. Love this! Thanks for sharing! (Both my parents were life-long artists, or at least they tried to be! RIP. I have their art work all over my house.) Can't wait until my son is old enough to study other great artists! I'll be pinning your masterpieces ASAP!

  2. Hi, I'm running an art challenge called 'in the style of me' (, which is for people doing their own versions of famous artworks. I'd love it if you would join in.


Thank you!
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