
Wednesday, 8 February 2012

International Book Giving Day...

Did you know the Feb 14th is International Book Giving Day? No, me neither! but I do now and I think it is a great idea. The aim is to get more books into the hands of children (or adults). There are several ways to do this...

  • donate books/money to a charity that provides books to children (Zoe has a great list here)
  • Give a book to a friend
  • Organise a book swap
  • dig out any books that you are not using at home and find a new home for them
  • leave a book in a waiting room
  • send someone a surprise book, you could do it anonymously like a valentines.
  • pass on baby books to a local playgroup
  • donate a book to your local children's hospital
  • If you have Japanese picture books you can donate to Ehon who distribute books to the quake area.
I'm not sure what I am going to do yet, I recently went through Ebi-kuns books, I do have a few books of my own I could pass on. I think I will order one of Ebi-uns favourite books from the Book Depository and having it sent to someone as a mystery gift - there is no shipping fee with the Book Depository which makes it great for international shipping.

If you are looking for more inspiration you can join the FB page and have a read through Zoe and Amy's posts and if you do get involved, let me know, I would love to know what others got up to - I am nosey like that!

Hot off the press.... You can now download a Clara Vulliamy bookplate here and she has shared this image so you can use it on your blog posts, how lovely!


  1. Thanks so much for spreading the word Jo! Looking forward to hearing what you decide to do for the day :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hi, Jo and readers! Leave a comment on the International Book Giving Day webpage to have your name included on the list of people participating in International Book Giving Day! Thanks!

  4. Hi, Jo. Thank you very much for inviting readers to celebrate International Book Giving Day. I am excited to share International Book Giving Day's brand new website with you:


Thank you!
I love hearing from you and if you haven't joined us in Moms That Rock, come on over!