
Tuesday 3 January 2012

New Years Eve...

We decided to put Ebi-kun into ski school, so once he had settled in daddy-ebi and I headed up the mountain, it has been about 10 years since he has snowboarded and 24 since I have skied on snow and that ended in disaster. On the last run of the week I was hit by another skier whose ski broke my leg, both bones. OUCH. They tried to reset the bones without cutting my leg since the skin hadn't broken but that turned out to be a bad idea because the bones didn't set straight and they had to re-break it, which they did without giving me any pain killers. DOUBLY OUCH. I was on crutches for almost a year and had to go to physio for months, they also told me I would end up walking with a limp, luckily I don't.

So, to get back on the skis after all this time was a bit daunting, I have snowboarded since but I am not very good, so ski's it was. We couldn't find anywhere to practice without going up a lift so we had to bite the bullet as it were, strange thing was it all came back and I had no problems at all getting back into it. I doubt I will have score points for style and elegance but at least I didn't break anything or even end up on my arse, which is more than I can say for daddy-ebi.

Some nice easy slopes to get started on, not many people, which was a big plus as far as I was concerned.

The weather was beautiful most of the time, this tree at the top of one of the runs was stunning.

We collected Ebi-kun after the morning session so we could have lunch and he wasn't a happy bunny, he was not impressed that all he was learning about was how to put on his skis, carry them, take them off etc. You know, all the important basics, he was complaining that he wasn't doing any actual skiing. Anyway, we sent him back after lunch and he did actually get to ski but then he wasn't impressed that he couldn't go up the lift or do jumps (even though he hadn't mastered stopping)

The weather in the afternoon went from beautiful clear skies to sudden clouds, very dramatic.

At the end of the lesson we decided to take ebi-kun up a lift and do the easiest slope, still took quite some time to get down, one day isn't enough practice, maybe next time we will put him in ski school for longer. It was all good fun and boy did my knee ache at the end of the day! I think Ebi-kun was expecting to be able to put the skis on then zoom down the slope like a pro, the kid won't quit and according to his instructor he was the only one in class who didn't complain he was tired and just kept asking to do it again and again.

We didn't do anything exciting new years eve, had dinner at the hotel, Ebi-kun was asleep by 8pm and I crashed out a couple of hours later, daddy stayed up to watch the daft Japanese program on TV and then at twenty past midnight I was rudely awoken by an earthquake! Cheers, just the way I wanted to start the new year.

1 comment:

  1. Ouch is right! I'm impressed you were able to conquer skiing again. Nice job!


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