
Sunday, 11 December 2011

2:46 - 9 months on

It has been 9 months since the earthquake and as the cold weather sets in, it makes me wonder how many people are going to be suffering the winter in temporary shelters up in the north of Japan.  I haven't done a round up for a while but we have had a couple of news this week...

Daddy-ebi called me the other day to ask if I had seen the new, he had been in Kasukabe for work and had seen lots of TV crews outside the Meiji factory, the reason was that they had found some of the baby formula/milk to be contaminated with cesium. More crappy news is that the Japanese government is using some of the money earmarked for the disaster to aid it's whaling fleet, read the story here.

On a brighter note, you can pop over to Tea Relief Caravan - you can leave a message at this site and they will translate it and write it up on a New Years Card which will be handed out on their road trip in early January. In Japan it is traditional to give out New Years Cards not Christmas cards.

Socks For Japan are again collecting socks as they move into phase two of their operation, please read their info page carefully so that they way you pack your socks helps their distribution process. Buying socks for the men in your life for Christmas, how about adding an extra pair or two to the basket?

Quilts for Japan are still taking donations of sewing supplies and pre-cut quilting and embroidery kits buy getting the communities involved in making their own quilts it gives them a sense of purpose and helped fill their days, as you can imagine depression is a big problem for many of the survivors.

And finally, a touching video of thanks, I still can't watch any footage of the quake and tsunami without filling up. If you know of any other organisations that I can help spread the work about then drop me a line.


  1. A friend in sendai pointed out to me that those living in their homes are doing it REALLY rough too. Many people's houses were damaged but not destroyed and they are not entilted to live in the tempoaray housing. Many can't afford to fix their homes and they lost lots due to water damage but unfortunately many aren7t getting the help they need just because of that technicality.

    Through my church we sent kerosene heaters this week to try and help people in these types of situations. Not saying those inthe temp housing are doing it easy just trying to point out they are all still really suffereing. I am very grateful for all groups who are helping out

  2. anchan, you are so right, I wish there was more about these situations in the news, I know how cold it gets up there so I really feel for those still stuck in crappy situations.

  3. Jo~ thank you so much for sharing...the devastation was beyond words...the aftermath, an uplifting look into what the world can do as one and into the strength and spirit of the Japanese people...very moving.


Thank you!
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