I rely heavily on book reviews for choosing books for Ebi-kun and so I would like to share a few of our favourite books with you. The first is Dragonology, there are many of these books in the series and we were so impressed with the book that I have ordered the Pirateology
book for Christmas and my mom has ordered the Wizardology
one. There are lots of others too, Egyptology, Monsterology.....
The book is written like an old fashioned study book with all kinds on notes and information about dragons around the world. There are dragons skin samples and lift the flaps sections, quite a lot of information fits into the book but it is broken down so you can just dip in and out. The message within the book is that dragons are an endangered species and therefore we should protect them not slay them. The whole book is beautifully illustrated and I am sure it will be a firm favourite for years to come. I can't wait to look through the other ology books!
Ebi-kun says: I like that it has lots of types of dragons and information and tells you where the dragons are from and stuff.
Ebi-kun says: I like that it has lots of types of dragons and information and tells you where the dragons are from and stuff.
Available on Amazon
or the Book Depository (free international shipping)

Available on Amazon
or the Book Depository (free international shipping)
Next up, The Boys Book Of Survival, this is quite an amusing book, written in the style of a 1960's guide book for boys. There are sensible pieces on things like how to make a tracking stick, how to make a ladder, how to send an SOS, and how to use a compass, the sort of things that you hope soak in so that if they are caught in a situation they will know what to do but these are interspersed with things like How to survive a zombie attack, how to stage a jail break, how to survive at a school disco. Some of this advice is a bit too old for Ebi-kun but he enjoys reading it and often takes in to read when we are out in the car. Daddy-ebi and myself have enjoyed reading this too although when I bought it I was hoping it would be more like a scout manual with camping type of advice and info in it, it has some of that, a good chunk of tongue in cheek and some just down-right silly stuff, perfect for a boy!
Ebi-kun says: It is full of funny things and helpful things too.
Available on Amazon
Finally, re-bound by Jeannie Stein which is a book about book binding/book making. What I like about this is that there are lots of ideas on how to repurpose things to make them into new books or journals, I have only tried out the simple ideas so far but considering how much packaging we get through I really like the idea of making some of it into something useful. There is a section with templates and instructions and then a gallery when various artists have recycled things to make new books which is a good place to start when needing a bit of inspiration. There is also a good breakdown of bookmakers equipment, which I found quite useful. I am hoping when things have quietened down a bit I will have time to try some of the more difficult looking projects.
I love the sound of rebound... will see if I can find that one. The boy's book of survival is sg I've avoided - like the girls' equivalent I felt it was too knowing and a little sexist. The Ology series are great fun though, and wonderful gifts as they are so detailed and magical. Thanks for sharing!