
Thursday, 1 September 2011

New Skills Festival kicks off today!

I am super excited to kick off the New Skills Festival today, I have got some amazingly talented people sharing tutorials and information with you, you are never too old to learn, so they say!

Part of the reason that I decided to put the festival together is so that I can step back from the blog for a little bit and spend my computer time concentrating on other things, don't panic, I will still be checking in and writing some of my usual waffle, but I didn't want you all sitting around with nothing to do (like there aren't a squillion other blogs out there you could be reading!) 

If you use any of the tutorials to make something or you blog about some tips you have picked up, please let me know and I will do a round up at the end of the month.

If you are looking for the Playful Learning giveaway it is HERE

So, enough of the waffle, let's get this party started....

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