
Saturday, 6 August 2011

my mostist favourite person on the week...

is the lovely Heather from Shinshu life who sent me a big box of beetroot - whoo-hoo, thank you Heather, you are an absolute star!


  1. Heather is a star! And I am so jealous. Love beetroot, especially canned.

  2. Was it too woody for you Jo? They grew like something that grows very very fast this year as we have had hot mornings and rainy evenings all summer. I eat them but I've forgotten what shop beetroot taste like so was worried they were too old...

    Medea if you're prepared to risk woody beets I have masses more!

  3. nooo they were fine! I wasn't sure how to store them so I wrapped some in paper and put them in the fridge - it's very humid here at the moment. I pickled some and boiled some, Loving it!


Thank you!
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