
Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Homework - making pretty string

Ebi-kun has a pile of homework to do over the summer, one of the things on the list was 'to make something' yep, that was the description! He hasn't quite finished it yet but I thought I would share how he made the pretty string that he is using in the project. 

All the string that I had which was suitable was some pale blue but according to Ebi-kun it wasn't very exciting! So, he took a large piece of cardboard and taped one end of the sting to the card and then wrapped the string around and around. When he thought there was enough he cut the string and taped down the end. Now the fun begins, get out your felt tip pens and colour stripes over the string.

Remember to do the back of the board too, I reckon that if you use white string you could make some cute fake bakers twine, might have to try it myself!

Once you are done, untape the end of the string and then tape it to a toilet roll middle, carefully wrap the string around the toilet roll middle until it is all done. Taa-daa.

Hopefully he will have the project finished by today so I can show you the whole thing tomorrow...


  1. Yaay. Awesome project. I'm inspired to try it myself.

    Summer vacation for Hokkaido kids is only 20 days long. Classes resumed on Monday. (They have a long winter break, but since they're usually snowed in, it's not nearly as fun as having a long summer break.)

  2. That is such a good idea :) I might get the girls* to try it later.

    *and me of course!


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