
Tuesday, 26 July 2011

not such a lazy day...

After Sundays exciting day we decided that yesterday we would have a nice quiet lazy day, didn't turn out that way. After the usual morning jobs I needed to go to the post office and supermarket, Ebi-kun was really tired and pretty horrible so I managed to convince him to have an nap after lunch. I got some computer work done whilst he was sleeping and then if was all hands on deck... firstly, after lunch all the fish went belly up so we had to clean out the tank especially since the tadpoles were still alive. One is almost a frog, I am surprised how quickly he has grown, still not sure why all the fish died so suddenly, all within 2 hours, very odd.
Then we finished off the pinata for the picnic, we filled it with little ninja balls....
After that is was a mad rush round to get pizza made and the house looking something like because we had friends coming round. We haven't seen them for such a long time, they returned to Canada just after the earthquake and they have just came back to pack up the house as they have decided to return permanently to Canada. They were due to return next year anyway so they have just bought it forward a bit. The kids enjoyed playing upstairs and we enjoyed catching up. It is funny how everything is considered as pre-quake or after-quake these days. It was lovely to see them all and they will be sorely missed when they go, E-chan (the middle one) was just two when they first arrived here and R-chan wasn't even a twinkle in her daddy's eye! How they have grown.

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