
Saturday 9 July 2011

mini books...

I haven't been sewing much recently, at night I like to have a project (or 10) on the go, the project of the moment is mini book making. I decided to learn how to Japanese book binding, rummaged through the recycling box and got hooked! Some of these are made with recycled card, some use postcards I have been hoarding and then I made some mini-mini notebooks using business cards, most of which I picked up at Design Festa and I have a massive pile of them.
Ebi-kun is loving my new obsession and he is busy filling the books as quickly as I can make them, manuals are his thing at the moment, He has written 2 on how to build a robot and we have a ninja manual in the car, I don't really care what the content is about, he is enjoying writing and for me, that is the important thing.

I want to learn more about book binding, I have made plenty of mini books in my time, I am looking at something bigger to get my teeth into, do you have any book binding book recommendations?

Tonight I have a long overdue night out with the girls (and maybe the odd boy too). Our last organised night out was planned for the the week after the earthquake happened so it was cancelled. The problem is baby-sitting, it's just not the done thing here and my husband gets back too late during the week for me to go out when he gets back so that leaves Saturday and Sunday night and trying to juggle everyone's schedule to find a date that suits. I am looking forward to letting my hair down and quaffing a few beers!


  1. Hi Jo. I've been bookbinding too this week! I have The Handmade Book by Angela James which is good for a casebound book and I've ordered some more from the library, so I'll let you know if those are any good too!

  2. Hi,
    i have found your blog when searching for refashion blogs, since then i am reading it. I have 2 boys. Doing mini books is definitely a good idea to amuse me and the boys. Thank you very much for the idea.

  3. Fern- please do, it is hard to tell by looking on the net!
    Tsatsral - not at all, hope you have fun with it!

  4. How fab! I know my students would love to fill these up. Are you planning a tutorial to show us how you made them? :-D

  5. I just knew someone would ask! good job I took some pics, might be next week though, pretty full on week this week, stuff to get done before the summer holiday starts...

  6. I will love to see the tutorial!! Thank you so much!!



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