
Monday, 28 March 2011

Mothers Day Love...

Rita, from Surfing Silver contacted me a few days ago, she wanted to contribute to the appeal but doesn't have a blog so we came up with the idea of running on my blog. For those who read my blog on a regular basis you may remember this post about the bracelet and key fob made by Rita with Ebi-kun's designs on them.
Rita suggested giving away one of her mommy bracelets like the one Ebi-kun designed and since it is coming up to Mothers Day, I though it would be an excellent idea.
At some point over the last couple of weeks Jacqui posted this picture of a boy, Toshihito Aisawa, aged 9 from Ishinomaki (one of the towns devastated by the tsunami). One of his messages reads 'I will come again tomorrow'. He is looking for his family and cousin. I'm not sure if he has found them but there are going to many children like him, who won't be able to celebrate Mothers day and many mothers who won't be receiving gifts from her child this year and for years to come.
Photo by Kuniaki Nishio
That is why I think this raffle is that little bit more special, I wear my bracelet all the time, it makes me smile when I look at it...

and I am sure having one yourself will also bring a smile to your face, if you are not yet a mommy or your child is too young to create some art to use, then Ebi-kun has offered to draw something special for you, a one of a kind piece. This is a tension bracelet, the thing I really like about these kind of bracelets is that the focal piece stays on top of the wrist (like a watch) and doesn't constantly spin around; also that I can see it while I'm wearing it (can't see my earrings)
I also like this design because the focal piece serves as the clasp and it is much easier than a regular clasp!

If you are not a bracelet kinda gal, then Rita will happily do you a pendent instead

The Rules....
Donate to one of the following organisations, it doesn't matter which. When you have donated, copy the receipt number that you will be given, come back and put a comment on THIS post. You MUST include a receipt number and a valid email address. If you forget your email address then delete the previous post and re-write it.
The raffle will close Monday April 4th at 12pm JST.
Winner will be drawn by random generator.

US$10 to Global Giving
US$ to Red Cross
₤6 to Global Giving UK
₤6 to The British Red Cross
AUS$ 10 to Red Cross


  1. Hi Jo -
    I finally got around to it tonight. Thanks for the motivation! We gave to the Red Cross: (tracking code) 1555-8047-1-4682675-5177222
    Best wishes - luvmyhub AT gmail dot com

  2. I just made a donation to the Red Cross, tracking code


    Thank you for holding this raffle - I'm also posting it over at my website on Tuesday


    mommysmiddleground at gmail dot com

  3. Hullooo

    I donated to British Red Cross:
    My reference number is: INC01047674

    I love silver :)

    Great idea!


  4. What a wonderful thing you are doing.

    i donated through global giving (they accept paypal)

    Receipt#: R302118-GC802505-CBcb01

  5. Hi Jo,

    I always enjoy your posts on MIJ and your blog. I gave to the Red Cross. Here is the tracking code: 1555-8047-1-4693502-5189305

    alexokubo at gmail

  6. Great raffle prize
    I have donated through Global Giving
    My receipt no is: R302346-GC803044-CBuk


    cockerskid at gmail dot com

  7. I made a donation to Global Giving

    Receipt no. R302346-GC803044-CBuk

    cockerskid at gmail dot com

  8. Sorry Jo I forgot to include my e-mail address, and I can't figure out how to delete my comment to re-write it, could you add my e-mail address? It's
    Thanks, Rebekah

  9. Hi Jo

    I have donated to the British Red Cross: INC01054126

    Paul is doing Great Manchester and Great North Run this year and has talked about fundraising for the BRC Japan appeal. If he gets it organised I'll let you know.

    lesly underscore cottiss at yahoo dot co dot uk

  10. Great idea!
    I gave to Global Giving:
    Invoice #: R302149-GC802562-CBcb01
    Amount: $10.00
    Donation Type: Donation
    Project Title: Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund

    weddler at

  11. I donated to the Australia red cross. Thanks for organizing this raffle!

    Receipt Number : 1100493
    Donation Amount $ 10.00 AUD
    Japan & Pacific Disaster 2011


  12. What a generous, and beautiful, offer.. I donated £6 through GlobalGiving (receipt no. R305506-GC808774-CBuk)

    Best wishes,

  13. Hi Joe and Ebi-Kun,

    This is Stacy and Eli you American friends -- we did a Japan/Central America swap last year. We tried to post much earlier today, but it did not go through. We gave to the American Red Cross and were really moved by Socks for Japan and did that too this weekend. Please take care and know that we are thinking of you and everyone in Japan.


    stacy at bluedino dot net

  14. Sorry to span you Jo, having email problems, so sending you a note a different way letting, hoping this third time is a charm.



Thank you!
I love hearing from you and if you haven't joined us in Moms That Rock, come on over!