
Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Breakfast With Santa

Still battling the jet-lag! and the computer which seems to be on a permanent go-slow, I'm not sure how well the blogging is going to go whilst we are here, I wanted to put up three pictures for today's post but gave up after waiting forever just for the first one :o(

Anyway, we went to Biddulph Grange to have breakfast with Santa, that is how it was advertised but in reality it was breakfast and Santa comes along later, it could have been organised much better but Ebi-kun enjoyed it. He go to have a chat with Santa and Santa did take his time talking to each of the kids and they got a small present too.

Ebi-kun did say that he didn't think Santa's beard was real! Personally, I thought it was the cushion up the front of the suit that gave it away. Really, you would have thought they could have found a fat bloke to do it. lol.

Biddulph Grange is a house and gardens, now run by the National Trust but when I was a kid the house was a hospital and the gardens pretty much over run. James Bateman who originally built the place set out the gardens as a miniature worlds so you can visit Egypt, China etc and he had appropriate plants growing in each section. As a kid we would climb through the fence and play in the woods, swim in the lake and dare each other to go through the tunnels and old buildings, it was a great place to play. Not long ago someone realised how important the gardens were and the National Trust took over and brought the gardens back to it's former glory. It is worth a visit if you are ever in the area.

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